Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Little John


George Magee was a wealthy railroad and coal mine owner who lived in a mansion in Watkins Glen near the present site of the Elks Club (the Magee mansion was torn down in the 1960s).  The main business offices of his company were in Corning, NY, so every day George Magee traveled by rail from his home to Corning.  In the morning he took a train to Corning, but in the late afternoon he would return home on his own luxurious private car, the Little John.  The photo above on the left shows the private engine that transported Magee.  The engine would drop off Magee and then return to Corning with eight or nine passengers.  The Little John was also used for family outings and to inspect the tracks.  The private engine was rather unique.  It had a horn instead of a bell on it, and it had two cow catchers, one in front and one in the back.  It also had two large lights, one in front and one in back.  The steam powered locomotive could get up to 40 miles per hour.  Magee was sentimental enough about the little engine that he had a clock made depicting the Little John, which was part of the decor of his mansion.  The clock, shown above on the right, resides in the Schuyler County Historical Society in Montour Falls.  When the Little John was retired in 1912, it was sold for $25 and converted into a diner in Corning called the Little John Diner.  Later it was moved to Gang Mills and housed an antique shop.  The next time you are in the Schuyler County Historical Society make sure to check out the Little John clock.  If you left click on the photos you can view a larger version of them.

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